Quaker terms you
should know
Discernment - The process of recognizing or realizing something. In Quaker business process it is the process of listening together to God and receiving enlightenment or guidance. Discernment may or may not result in a decision or action. A good discernment process will result in clearness.
Gospel Order - This term was first used by George Fox to describe the way Friends viewed the cosmos and humanity's place within it. This view presumed a God designed orderliness that was seen in all of creation. They viewed creation as good and designed for goodness. Sin and evil is a dis-ordered state. Jesus Christ demonstrated perfect Gospel Order and made a connection for us that empowers us to live in Gospel Order. Among Friends you will often hear this term used to describe Quaker practices, which if done well are harmonious with Gospel Order.
Monthly Meeting – The name of the local body of
Friends. The people ARE the Monthly
Meeting. Also used for the event held
every month where business is conducted, although this would more accurately be
called “Meeting for worship through business”
Yearly Meeting – The name for a larger group of
Friends usually gathered by geography and philosophical/theological
issues. Made up of a group of Monthly
Meetings. Again, the name of the people,
but also used for the annual session of the body.
For a really nice glossary of Quaker and theological terms
from a Quaker perspective visit the FFC glossary