Wednesday, September 23, 2015

#6 George Fox & the beginning of Friends

This lesson, we will be looking at George Fox and the beginning of the Quakers. Please watch these two videos. The first islonger- about 20 minutes. In it the bit between 9 and 12 minutes does not apply for our purposes. The quality is not great, and these are  unedited-- but they are important to our discussion.

What can you learn about George Fox from these presentations? What is the climate in England? As you listen make yourself a timeline that you can add events to as we continue on this journey of exploring Quaker/Friends history and faith.

What questions do you have after watching these videos? Where on the Wesleyan Quadrilateral do you guess that the involved parties sit? In other words, what is their highest form of authority? Please post comments and questions on our Facebook discussion on the thread for lesson #6.  Enjoy!

               George Fox & the Quakers

                              Introducing George Fox

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

#5 Authority, Wesleyan Quadrilateral

Here is a wikipedia link to a short reading on the Wesleyan Quadrilateral. The purpose of looking at this is not to understand Methodist theology but to look at what we consider sources of authority and in what order-- both as individuals and as a community. This will inform us later when we look at church splits , or break-ups and divorces, if you will.

#4 Gospel Order

#4. Gospel Order

There has been some good discussion on FaceBook about this term and topic. For a bit more insight about gospel order, please read this piece on Quaker Stew

Here is the url in case the link goes wonky: